Tuesday, September 30, 2014


            Poverty is a social problem and will continue until everyone is helped, which I believe would never happen in this society. When it comes to poverty, sometimes education suffers. It could be that the child does not have to resources to receive an education or how the teacher perceives the students. I have student taught in poverty area schools and non-poverty area schools. I have seen many differences. I have noticed that students who are in poverty seem to not have an interest in school and act out. The people who are usually in poverty areas are the non-Caucasians. “Data from the US Census Bureau (see Children’s Defense Fund, 2012), reveal that approximately 38% of Black children and 34% of Latino students live in poverty.” Sadly the statement of this data does not shock me in this society. Most people are in poverty because of low education and therefore they have low paying jobs because they did not receive the education to do something more.

I worked in three different Providence schools in poverty areas and two schools in non-poverty areas, one in Warwick and one in Cranston. Getting to know the kids I have worked with, I learned that the children suffering poverty have told me about their home lives. Most of these students’ parents did not have the chance to make it past high school and I believe that is why education does not seem to be a priority with some kids. With these students not having education as a priority, I have seen teachers not really caring to go that extra mile in helping these students. When I was there for my short 15 weeks at each school I would work one on one with these students because I believe they just need an extra push. I believe with the right help, these students will succeed and overachieve. Students who are in poverty tend to be stereotyped as “not smart”, when in reality they just do not have the support at home and some teachers are non-supports as well. I believe that after school programs and summer programs that are free could help these students catch up, instead of going home to someone who is unable to understand some of their homework or readings given. “The primary causes of poverty lie not in individual behavior at all, but in specific social and historical structures, in forces outside of any single person’s control . . .” I completely agree with this statement that was in the article because this would be considered ”blaming the victim”. People do not choose to be in poverty, I believe that it just happens and some people cannot get out of it.

Friday, September 26, 2014


In the reading it states that “The school system is the primary normative institution for children and youth in the United States and holds vast potential for supporting young people in becoming productive, healthy adults.” In most cases I have not seen this. My major before youth development was elementary education and I have intershipped in five different schools. I feel as though they do not keep these students productive, but just go along with their curriculum and do busy work. Other schools might be a different case, but I have yet to see this happen. When this article talks about the history, I feel as though those students appreciated school more and got more out of learning then students do today. This statement “if children were in school, they were not out on the streets causing mischief and social disorder.” I feel as though this is a true statement because these kids are busy with other actions rather than causing trouble. I also believe in the youth programs for later in the day to help keep kids out of trouble. They talk about the size and diversity in the public schools. I think that the more diverse people that are in one school the more likely people are to be nice to each other because everyone is different. When I was in high school I started off at one school which was mainly high class whites. I was an outcast and got into a lot of trouble. I than went to a more diverse school that I liked a lot better, made more friends and did better in school without causing trouble. As far as faculty goes for the first school I felt they did not help me at all they just turned their backs. The lower class schools faculty was much more helpful in guidance and extra help as well.

“Teachers whose actions are determined more by rules and regulations than by their own creativity and judgment as professionals have limited latitude in allowing adolescents to make judgments about the course of their studies or the ways in which they will participate in or contribute to the school and the community.’ This statement bothers me because the student should have the right to choose what classes or what they need to do with their own life.  I understand that schools have rules, but there is a line to let these teachers have their own judgment on these students that they work with because not all students are the same.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


My relationship with technology is advanced than some, I would say I am digital native because I do use technology in my everyday life. When I leave the house in the morning I always have my phone on me for communication or even directions. When I am at home or at school I have my laptop that I am always using. I feel that adapting to technology can be hard for some people. For example, I grew up with technology growing and I was able to learn and grow. While others have to learn when they already know different ways to look at things than using technology.

The video opened my eyes and how people have created this amazing technology. Google will have to be my favorite tool to use on the internet. People always have to remember that not everything on the internet is true because anyone can contribute a “fact” in the internet for everyone to read. People in this day in age growing up will never know what an overhead projector is and the “struggle” people had without technology. Everything today is fast pace and still growing. I feel as though in a few years people will be all technology and no one will know how to hand write or even add math in their head. In a way this is sad because we are so technology dependent.


This article was about Youth, and how they are able to have a voice inside an adult world. The youth and adults are working together to advance their community. YIA is an organization that helps youth create a voice. There are so many adults, whether there teachers or parents who look down upon some youth. To me this is not fair to be stereotyped because of where you came from or who your parents are. The YIA gives these youth a chance to be heard and they must feel like they have a purpose.
When I was in school I was not the best student. I felt as though I did not have to talk because I was not asked about or cared about. With the YIA I feel as though they care about these kids and want to make a different in their lives. When I was student teaching at a few Providence schools I had witnessed some teachers not caring as much for some students. The “bad” students would always be left out and left to do what they wanted, while the “good” students would always be getting the help when if they did not need it. The YIA should be in every community to help better students with their education and life decisions.