Extended Comment to Kathryn Elizabeth Carr
"Tracking: Why Schools Need to Take Another Route"
By: Jeannie Oakes
With the first quote you chose I have to agree with you that it was interesting how teachers tend to praise students with higher ability. I also think that it is wrong and in my opinion it should not matter whether your high or low ability students should be praised for how well students do. Students should be praised on what they accomplished not how high the ability is or how fast they can do it.
The other quote it is true that some students do not get the opportunity to learn what they need to learn. It is also not fair but true that students who need more help do get less. I think this is because students who show how well they can do, teachers get side track to appraise them instead of concentrating on helping a students who really needs it. Some students also work faster then others too.
This leads me to the last quote about students learning in a faster pace then other students. It must be very frustrating and humiliating for those students who take longer with test or quizzes. I do not think its right when I teacher times a test and tells the students to hurry up because I know when I was in school I hated it. Not only that is it gets the students nervous to hurry and then they forget what they want to say or keep getting distracted which can also be from test anxiety.
Teachers do need to try different learning techniques to help all types of students in their classroom learn. Schools could also do for example, break students up into different classroom on the pace that they learn, this is what was done in my middle school. The video below is an instructional video that helps describe how to help children and understand them in your classroom. i found this helpful and further understanding the situation.
i liked what you had to say about the first quote